Hamilton Garden Suite By-Laws
Learn about the by-laws if you're looking to build a garden suite in Hamilton.
Discovering Hamilton's Potential in Garden Suites
Hey Hamilton! Affordable housing can feel like an uphill battle in the city. In Hamilton, where housing affordability is a pressing concern, garden suites offer a beacon of hope for both homeowners, family membersand renters. These secondary dwelling units can be built in the backyard on residential lots and provide a practical solution to our city's housing challenges.
Navigating the Garden Suite By-Laws in Hamilton:
Let's dive into the specific bylaws governing garden suites in Hamilton, shedding light on the opportunities they present for homeowners:
- Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) Permitted: One detached ADU is allowed on a lot containing a Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-Detached Dwelling, or Street Townhouse Dwelling.
- Size Restrictions: The gross floor area of the ADU cannot exceed 75m2, with a maximum lot coverage of 25%.
- Proximity and Size Constraints: The ADU's gross floor area must not surpass that of the primary dwelling, ensuring harmony in size. Additionally, a 7.5m setback between the ADU and primary dwelling, along with 1.2m setbacks on the side and rear lots of the ADU, maintains adequate spacing and privacy.
- Bedroom Limitations: ADUs can have no more than two bedrooms, catering to diverse housing needs while preserving neighborhood character.
- Height and Design Guidelines: The maximum building height for garden suites is 6m, with restrictions on rooftop patios or balconies to maintain aesthetic coherence.
- Parking Requirements: No additional parking is required for the ADU, alleviating concerns about parking congestion.
- Single Dwelling Unit (SDU) Limit: Only one SDU per lot is permitted, ensuring controlled development and neighborhood integrity.
These bylaws not only provide a framework for the construction of garden suites but also offer homeowners a unique opportunity to enhance their properties while contributing to the city's housing diversity.
In conclusion, garden suites in Hamilton represent more than just additional living space – they signify a step towards a more inclusive and sustainable urban environment. Whether you're looking to create extra income, accommodate extended family, or simply embrace innovative housing solutions, garden suites in Hamilton beckon with endless possibilities.
If you'd like to learn more you can email or book a free consultation with us.